Singing His praise

Published on by Joy Odom

This morning, I woke to a song in my head; "Your grace finds me." from Matt Redman. We don't use the radio as an alarm clock so it wasn't the actual song that I laid in bed listening to. It was the tone of the song but the words were "His love finds me!" And He does!

This is very comforting to me. I have thought that as we grow spiritually, God communicates in different ways. In my opinion, this keeps us seeking His word, guidance and will.

Early in my Christianity, it was through words - an audible sound that I could hear Him. Now, it's more communication through song and "sense". I imagine it like this, riding a bike for the first time without training wheels and the Lord lets go of the bike but is still watching me, in case I fall. We communicate through this pattern, He wakes me in the morning and I try my best to praise Him throughout the day!

We grow in Him, not in the way that we did with our parents but so much more!

By more, I mean this; our parents couldn't be everywhere at once, He can! Our parents don't know our deepest hurts, our secret desires but our Savior does!

As the morning wore on, I discovered that my cell phone (my life line) was not working. It was sheer panic, for about 30 seconds! Then I left my phone on the kitchen table and walked out the door. I spent the day with a sweet lady, giving her my complete attention and when I finally got home, I thought, "Lord what a blessing that was and Thank you for loving me so much."

Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you

1.) to do justly - strive to be righteous in all things

2.) to love mercy - the very word mercy means loving-kindness; be kind, have compassion and be faithful

3.) walk humbly with your God - submit yourself to God

Wonder what I'll wake to tomorrow, God only knows!

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