Top posts

  • I failed....

    25 April 2015 ( #You only fail when you quit )

    I lost my temper..........I cussed................I missed an opportunity to show grace or pray with someone or be a blessing. Any of these sound familiar? They sure are to me! I fail, fall down, say the wrong thing, don't do the right thing - ugh! It...

  • Genesis 2:23-24

    20 June 2016 ( #We die daily! )

    It's been a long time since my last blog, December 15, 2015! I had hoped that by taking some time, I would feel different but it hasn't happened. Genesis 2:23-24 23 Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall...

  • To join or not to join - this is a tricky question!

    25 July 2016 ( #Church Shopping )

    As mentioned before in "Church Shopping", finding a home church is not easy. For my husband and I, we both have different views on what our home church should be. We both realize that there isn't a perfect church (because there are no perfect people)....

  • Do not be silenced by fear!

    17 November 2015 ( #Strength in doing good for Christ )

    First, Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Second, I hope that you find peace, knowledge and kinship in what is being shared. I am reachable, even though I am not a continuous blogger, as so many are. I know that when I start to get involved...

  • None of us are promised tomorrow

    07 December 2015 ( #No regrets )

    Here it is, the time of year when people's hearts become a little softer. We all seem more compassionate; more aware of the homeless and forgotten. But, what if we kept Christmas in our hearts year round? It's with all the hustle and bustle of this time...

  • What I've learned about HIStory

    06 July 2015 ( #Hope )

    Gssshhh! So much has happened since I last blogged; yet the world is still spinning on its axis and here I am :-) I am certain that no one is sitting on the edge of their seats, wondering what my opinions are but I feel the need to share....... 1. What...

  • God's promise

    07 May 2015 ( #Faith )

    Sometimes we just need to be reassured! When we grow into maturity, we don't do it alone but it does seem that way. During those times, I feel like I am being nurtured from a distance. Our spiritual maturity is as individual as the faith that He has given...

  • Let's be REAL

    16 May 2015 ( #Church Shopping )

    I have been reading the Bible, in the order that it has been written, for some time now. I didn't begin to document the days until September. I began doing this for my personal reference but found that I get "caught up" on a lot of the passages. I believe...

  • How does God see me?

    01 April 2015 ( #feeling inadequte )

    I've asked myself this question for so many years. The reason that I ask the question may be for the same reason that anyone would want to know if someone thinks their cool, pretty, smart or whatever you hope you are. The question comes after I feel that...

  • The company you keep....

    10 April 2015 ( #christian friends )

    Have you noticed that there are some people that you just can't stay away from? Paul was a real person, so real in fact that you can catch a glimpse of his humor! Paul was an educated man, so it shouldn't be to surprising to know that he had heard of...

  • Victory in knowledge

    12 April 2015 ( #at Christ's second coming )

    I am so very excited about the coming changes.....oh, you haven't heard? I'm going to have a glorious body, chosen by God and you can have one too. 1 Corinthians 15:44-49 New King James Version (NKJV) 44 It is sown a natural body,...

  • I am free!

    13 April 2015 ( #Freedom in fellowship )

    I don't keep up with the news or follow any of the political channels. I educate myself during voting season but to me, it's more important WHAT someone has achieved than HOW they say they will run their elected office. A lady that I know, at times that...

  • We are all ambassadors

    24 April 2015 ( #Ambassadors for Christ )

    Our relationship with Christ affects every aspect of our lives. I can see it in this way - because Christ died for me, because God forgave me, because in the beginning He said "Let US create man in OUR image....... (Genesis 1:26 - Representing the Holy...

  • During times of trials and hardships

    06 June 2015

    Trusting God is an everyday, all the time and in all circumstances type deal. It's easy when things are going good. But when things get sideways, what do you do? My mind races in all directions at one time - my first thought is, "what am I going to do?"...

  • A prayer for love

    07 April 2015

    It's warfare from the start, when you choose Christ! If you choose not to follow Him, you aren't really tempted, you do what you want, what you feel and then you explain or reason with yourself that you are right in your decision. This is why some Christians...

  • Broken but fixable

    01 March 2015

    If your favorite vase broke, would you throw it out or try to repair it? I try to. All you need is some epoxy, to glue the pieces together. Let it dry. Cut pieces of fiberglass to cover inside of repaired vase. Apply resin to reinforce fiberglass. Good...

  • When prayer seems like an obligation to fulfill

    02 March 2015

    At least I told you in the beginning that I am not perfect, why should I pretend to me? I strive daily for perfection but here I am. I have my quite time of devotion, scripture and prayer. At times it can a chore just to get to the quite time. The house...

  • Singing His praise

    04 March 2015

    This morning, I woke to a song in my head; "Your grace finds me." from Matt Redman. We don't use the radio as an alarm clock so it wasn't the actual song that I laid in bed listening to. It was the tone of the song but the words were "His love finds me!"...

  • Obedience is more valuable

    15 March 2015

    I participated in a corporate fast, with my church, this past January. I didn't know exactly what was required for a fast but I knew the basics. I gave up caffine, meats, bread - basically, we just ate foods that were not processed and had no additives...

  • The perception of "friendship"

    16 March 2015

    I have never been one that has had an abundance of friends but I have learned to be careful who I allow to enter the circle of friendship. Most recently, I ventured out to "help" a stranded friend. Without going into too much detail, she wasn't stranded,...